
Seed systems and Producing Good Seed.

Good quality seed is the foundation for good crop yields. Good seed is 1) genetically pure, 2) viable - i.e., it has a high germination rate, and 3) free of weeds, insects and non-seed matter (e.g., straw and dirt).

Seed Systems

Producing Seed

  • Seed Quality Categories Info Sheet (UC Davis)
  • Producing Good Farmer Seed Fact Sheet (UC Davis)
  • Seed Saving Manual (1.4 MB) (AVDRC)
  • Seed Germination and emergence
  • Harvesting and Storing Good Seed Fact Sheet (UC Davis)
  • Seeds as an Agricultural Input: Types, Processing, Packaging, Labeling, Handling and Storage PPT as PDF (IFDC)

Vegetable Seed Saving