
Extension and NARC have hard copies of various materials. ILRI chicken manual (To be released Feb 14) FAO FFS goats UC Davis poultry fact sheets

Problems and Opportunities. The major challenge is livestock production is the overall low profitability of raising and selling livestock. The opportunities are to identify and provide opportunities along the value chain for both Dairy cattle and Small ruminants (goats and poultry). Improving fodder sources will improve animal productivity.

Facts Sheets for Cattle and Buffalo

General Cows and Calving

Ruminant digestion (#1)

Body scoring (#9)

Heifer management (#3)

Dry cows (mastitis, condition, nutrition) (#7)

Signs of cows in heat (#4)

Calving (#5)

Calf management (#2)

Dairy Management - Cows Dairy Management - Milking

Fresh Cow problems - Milk fever and Bloat (#6)

Mastitis (#8)

Water for cattle and buffaloes (#12)

How to milk (#10)

How to produce clean milk (#11)



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