Using Information Communication Technology (ICT)
The purpose of the Vocational Training Workgroup is to collaboratively plan and coordinate cross-institute vocational training activities. The process will be structured to allow easy input from the partners while keep the process flexible and streamlined.
Evaluate your ICT activities - Fact Sheet
Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Agricultural Extension in Pakistan: Findings and Proposed Next Steps Working Paper
Information Communication Technology (ICT) offers powerful ways to improve information access.
Can ICT really help farmers? 3 slide Poster from the 2013 CTA ict4ag Rwanda Conference from UC Davis
A review of ICTs helping farmers in Pakistan:
Ict in agriculture extension Punjab Pakistan from Anjum Ali Buttar
The links below take you to materials developed by UC Davis in collaboration with a range of partners.
Cell phones | Computer | Radio | TV and video | Social media |
Success requires more than just making the information available.
Is your material compelling Fact sheet (UC Davis)
Learn about what is required to make ICT in Extension successful.